by Trudy
Key days in Almaty
This morning Dirk discovered that spring leaves were torn. We call Janat, from Almaty, whom we met in Mongolia, for help. He comes and helps tremendously.
Last night Ger and Wim arrived and brought the new control rod, which was specially made for us.
First the men start working with the feather package. They find spring leaves that they can use and make them to size with the help of a friend of Janat.
It took 2 days of hard work, but everything is now ready to drive again. All this thanks to the help of Janat and the key men.
Marijke and Nico are also ready to leave. Tomorrow, we part ways. They are going back to the Netherlands by plane and we are going to drive a bit.
Op hoop van zegen met de krik: maar het is gelukt!!