Report 12 July
By Thecla and Benno
Every time it is a pleasure to wake up in the nowhere with only nature sounds around you. The nocturnal dew has made everything soaking wet, where you had to go through every turn on your side or back.
We say goodbye to mounth Alma and our beautiful camping spot.
We go over a good asphalt road through a undulating landscape with gras land stretching to the left and right. Because of the unusual rains everything looks fresh and fruity and breathes a Dutch country atmosphere. We have picked up the plan to take a boat at the seaside village of Seventiensevety to the island of Musgrave in the middle of the great Barier reef, an hour and a half sailing from the coast to go snorkelling.
The office is quickly found and arranged. The boat is only half full, so there was enough space. The boat mechanic says he wants to fit on the T-Ford tomorrow Then looking for a campsite, but everything is full. Even though I show my neptatoe and Dirk his muscles, they do not give a kick. Then we throw it over another bow and pull on our most sloppy clothes and show the decrepit T-Ford, this is paying off at Captain Cook camp. We hit our camp and walk through the jungle to the beach, where no one is to be seen. Eating and sleeping. I read another sign with “beware of falling branches, and indeed I hear a branch coming down with a lot of crackling at night, fortunately no coconut that swings above us in the wind.