Report of 7 & 8 July
Report by Benno and Thecla
After breakfast we go first for a little morning stroll in the upper garden of the farmer.
The garden can exist only by the grace of the irrigation canals which all look very good maintained. After the stroll we go again on the road(?)
A valley which slowly gets less inhabited and cultivated, so we see on a certain moment only cacti. We follow the Rio Santo and garland between a colour palette of mountain landscape which we enjoy very much. Many, many pictures and films are taken.
Benno climbs even on the Roof of the Land Rover for a better effect, while Thecla drives slowly on. The road is unpaved and has regularly a kind of washboard, which isn’t so nice for the model T.
Dirk changing some things from the air filter to get less sputtering.
The road narrows slowly more and more, and we see no mountains anymore only steep cliffs.
We cross rough one lane tunnels, which make it difficult to pass. The question stays, who is driving backwards? If you see the depth next to you is this also a scaring kind of adventure.
But Thecla keeps her head cool and gets the Land Rover on the only one right lane. The canyon del Pato exist of more than thirty tunnels. Suddenly the model T starts to sputter between two tunnels and a very narrow lane. The hotness, the dust and the steepness of the road are too much and hakke puf. Dirk parks the model T in a cave just out of the burning sun. The Caveman! Two plugs don’t work. Cables and plugs getting changed, the pickup unit controlled, but nothing helps. Then they check the unit, here appears that there is some cupper dust between the lips. Twice sneezing of Dirk (he got a little cold), and everything works well so as it as usual. Hatseflats! We can go on. Caveman and Cavewoman look like, because of all the clouds of dust, as warlike Neanderthaler they go on.
On our way we camp once again in the wild. Dirk and Benno take a dive into the cooling river. And so we end up after two days of hard working and driving in Huarez. Here we see the first glimpse of the snow peaks of the Cordillera Blanca. We reached a height of 3000 meter and go for a rest!.