By Dirk
We saw them!!!!
We got up early this morning because we are going to customs to see if we can pick up the cars.
It was an hour’s drive to the port where the container is located.
We put on a yellow vest, a visitors pass around our neck and a helmet on our head and we are allowed onto the site.
We squeeze through a forest of containers and find ours with the door already open.
The Model T is already waiting for us there.
The cars must be removed from the container because they must be disinfected. Apparently people are afraid of a Dutch bacterium.
After the tension straps have been loosened, we push the cars outside.
Then the man comes with the syringe to disinfect everything.
Then they have to go back into the container. I connect the batteries of the Land Rover, because we cannot push them in: much too heavy.
The Landrover starts immediately, he’s looking forward to it and I drive back into the container.
We push the Model T back inside.
But before it goes in, Tony our guide wants a photo with him behind the wheel.
Everything is secured again with the tension straps and we have to leave the site.
From here the container will be taken to a storage facility where the contents of the cars will be checked. But when that is, officials do not answer. That will probably be tomorrow.
We leave the customs area and go to the police station to see if we can get our driving licenses.
But first Dirk must have passport photos taken that clearly show his ears.
After waiting for more than an hour at the police station, it turns out that the computer system is not able to print a driver’s license for us.
We’ll have to come back tomorrow to see if it works.
So it will remain exciting for a while.