Back home!!!!
After an exciting and thrilling journey of over 20,000 kilometres, we drove back into our familiar hometown of Edam today, with our grandson Simon playing our travel song: “Country Road” on his accordion.
The reception was fantastic.
All the people along the route we drove through Edam had hung out flags and we were greeted with a huge round of applause.
The speech by Ben Knelange on the Eilandsgracht was an emotional welcome, with Ben expressing his admiration for the journey we had made on behalf of everyone present.
We were given a beautiful painting of our farm by Monique Knelange, with the text above it: “Your own home is worth gold”.
Ben and Monique wanted to indicate that we had been away from home long enough with our world trip.
The neighbours and our children had decorated our house beautifully. The Model T could return to its familiar spot on the Persian carpet and we concluded this special journey with a delicious snack and drink in our old, familiar home.