Friday september 14 2012,
We are still staying in the guesthouse of SOS Meru and we’re going to visit a National Park nearby. It’s amazing to see all the animals from such a short distance. We take beautiful road back to the SOS village where Peter is waiting for Dirk & Trudy for a promotion tour around town. Later that evening we turn our guesthouse into a movie theatre, we promised the kids that we would show them the greetings from the other villages we visited. It was a lot of fun for them, and also for us, to see the kids from other villages. But the most fun for them was to see themselves in the movie clips we shot yesterday. When the show was over, some of them thanked us in a very touching way. A great evening!
Casper & Arnaud
- a lot of animals
- a sort of pig
- buffels
- Elephant
- giraf
- bird
- krokodil
- nice
- struisvogel
- tea
- watching the movie
- Waterbock
- zebra
- hippo
Wat een mooi land Afrika,wow al die wilde dieren,wat gaaf om dat in het echt te zien.
ik vindt het zo geweldig dat jullie dit doen.heel veel liefs van ons alle groetjes en xxx