By Marijke and Trudy
On the way to Bayanhongor
We get up early because, if the handlebars are good, we want to drive some kilometers. That works and we are making good progress. We follow the road past the electricity poles, where
birds nest. Marijke finds a license plate on one of the poles. An easy but bumpy route. Also for the steering rod!
Our direction is “Pyramid Mountain”. We have to end up on the other side of a river. There is a place where some trucks cross the river, through the river. A man leads us to that place and sure enough, we have to go through it. Dirk measures the depth and bottom conditions of the river. Dirk and Nico couple the Model T behind the LandRover and off we go. Luckily no crocodiles.
Sunday morning, no croissant but a sparrow on our sunny terrace. After breaking up the camp, we drove on again. It was a ride with beautiful views. On the steppes we saw herds of horses with foals and mountains all around us. Dirk had an idea about filming. I climb onto the roof of the Land Rover and film the Model T driving into the valley and disappearing into the distance. On the way to the asphalt road we meet beautiful nomads. And then we looked for the asphalt road that would take us to Bayanhongor. Found: Oko is happy!!! Not really Trudy. Big holes and steep straight long mountains up and down and goats crossing. Through an unimaginably beautiful landscape. Just before the city we were welcomed in Mongolian style with a blue scarf and a bowl of sweets. We then drove in a convoy to our accommodation at a leisurely pace, where we were offered lunch. Our accommodation consisted of 2 gers.
In the evening Tsedevsuren, the founder of the project for disabled children, came. A warm reunion after fourteen years. We celebrated with a glass of vodka and beautiful stories.
Leuk om jullie verslagen te lezen Marijke en Nico!
Het is een bumpyride, veel suc6 nog!
Echt een ongelofelijk avontuur! Trots op jullie.
Groetjes Marina
Dankjewel Marina.