By Trudy
The Chuya Highway.
This is one of the 10 most beautiful roads in the world. This route through the mountains is breathtakingly beautiful. How lucky that Dirk planned this road in our route. You won’t be short of eyes and the palette of green is overwhelming. We drive straight through it and stop after an hour to take in the landscape thoroughly and enjoy it to the fullest.
The mountains are high and the slopes steep. The Model T is cooking, and we stop to let it cool down. Add some coolant and we discuss whether Marijke can film it when we go up there.
Everything works out and we can eat the first shashlik on the way. Dirk was really looking forward to that. Nice!
We drive through and past mountains and rocks. Some rock walls are covered with mesh, because some chunks still roll down the mountain onto the road.
Every now and then there is a sign along the road with the place names and the distance to travel to get there. Quite difficult to understand.
Look, down there, that’s where we’re going first.
Then we find a house on the river at Onguday to spend the night. Nico and Marijke are moving in there and Dirk and I are crawling into the roof tent tonight.
I am so happy with all the greenery and flowers that I lie down on them and enjoy the view.