Saturday 06 October
Today we head for Mikumi, about 120km
Inge’s bead seams to be flat this night, with adding 3 sleepingbags it was ‘almost’ soft enough to sleep.
Before breakfast we break up the camp.
In the village we fill the gastanks an go to an ATM for getting some shilling.
We assume that the truckdrivers get some extra pay for speeding up.
Aside the road they present a lot of beautiful stuff.
After the coffeebrake Inge decided to ride the LandRover, its going perfect, Dirk-jan don’t like sitting on the right side without a steering wheel.
Right before we enter a National Park, the Ford gets very noisy. Dirk can repair this with a piece of wire. Good job.
In the park we see buffaloes and monkeys, the monkey doesn’t like to be photographed.
For lunch we find a tree for a little shade.
At TanSwiss campsite we have a very nice place under a Mango tree.
Dirk and Inge checks the sleeping bed for a leak, but they do not find a hole in it. Dirk-jan writes some text for the website and Inge and Trudy do the laundry.
After diner we light the campfire and Trudy gets her guitar.
We’ve driven 122km today,
Tomorrow we go for the ‘Crocodile campsite’
Je wilt toch niet beweren dat die vrachtwagen op de foto nog reed?
Wat een mazzel: vlak VOOR je wordt gewaarschuwd voor gevaar in een natuurpark onder de T-ford moeten sleutelen.
Toch vond die aap het dus maar gek: maar vlgs. mij is het z’n wijsvinger.
Ziet er gezellig uit bij het kampvuur.
Zouden we hier in Nederland ook moeten hebben; 220V bomen…werken ze op zonne energie? 😛