Report 2 July
Report by Benno and Thecla
At seven o’clock we awake, but already a bunch of policemen are there, even the director of the police. Thecla walks still in her underpants. Dirk lies in his roof tent, while Trudy and Benno have to welcome the police. The police leave only when they had made many pictures and films of the model T with them all. The fishermen are also coming back with their catch of the sea..
The very heavy rafts of the fishermen get rolled and pushed by tree trunks to get on the beach Because of our curiosity we gets two mackerels presented. What sympathy! And this in a territory what has the name of unsafe!
From the beach we went to the direction of the Sechura desert where we met two other Dutch travellers: Karin en Coen who travelling for more than ten years and living from writing for travelling – and car magazines.
We interchange information and go along, with a landscape what has morely sanddunes on our way to Chiclayo. Just before Chiclayo we want to visit a museum about the senor of Sipan. A pre Inca time tomb. In the chaotic traffic in the centre of Lambayaque Dirks gets control of his identity papers and at the same time a truck kisses the |Land Rover on the side. Shit! The first little crash. But by coincidence a friendly man brings us to a safe hospedaje where we blow out our feelings.