Report 23 August
Report by Greetje and Steef
Armando brings the new tyre for the Land Rover, it can be placed immediately. Trudy and Greetje are going all the way down to visit some shops. Greetje still is short by breath and has to stop every now and than. All the old tyres are removed now from the Model T and now it really looks like a naked car. Time to work on the reports now and Dirk and Trudy start to re arrange the Land Rover. What a fine place to stay here. We have our own room, toilet and douche , twice a day there is a prepared meal and we are not allowed to wash the dishes.
Usually, they eat something simple at 19.00 ( some bread, thee ,coffee ore a fruit drink ) and than at 20.00 a big “Cena “ ore , dinner, but it is always to much for us so we told Elvi , the director, a small dinner at 20.00 will do . Later this evening we looked back at the pictures of the digital movie camera. Now it is only a matter of waiting.
Lieverds! Wat een avontuur!!
Ik smul van de foto’s en verhalen. Keep ‘m comming!
Ik ben trots op jullie..
Dikke smakkerd,