After a good night sleep and with a little hangover we join breakfast, today we are going to pay a visit to the SOS children village Arusha.
Dirk and Renzo have used this day to do some modifications to the tford, Gwynne drove to town with the new and old steering rod, of which the latter was broken several times, to make them a bit tougher. After Gwynne came back from town Dirk places the rod under the tford and together with Mary we drive towards the village.
Arriving in the village we are welcomed by Joseph and Anne, they show us the different buildings where the children eat and sleep. Originally there were 10 buildings but they have built 5 more, where mainly the older children stay. In total there are 180 children in the village.
Joseph shows us house number 10 and we meet the mother Sylicheria and here “children”. The children show us around where they sleep and we get to see the kitchen where the meals are prepared. After a short tour around the campus it is time for the children’s greet from Arusha, the children are running towards the tford and are helped by Dirk and Trudy in and on the car, very nice to see how much fun these children had.
After the children sung a song it is already time to leave, they enthusiastic wave at us. The visit was a very special experience.
Tomorrow we leave towards Moshi.
- the childrens greeting2
- the_childrens_greeting1
- Jon_and_Renzo_with_some_popcorn_made_by_one_of_the_mothers
- the_mother_of_building10_Joseph_Dirk_Trudy
- the_children_of_building10
- SOS children’s village Arusha
- towards_the_SOS_village_at_background_mount_maru
- towards_the_SOS_village_together_with_Mary
- working_on_the_tford
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