Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Report 7 October

Report 7 October By Dirk La Siberia-El Calafate 282 km. Na een karig ontbijt met veel ingrediënten uit onze eigen voorraad (de hotel eigenaar had niet veel in voorraad) vertrekken we voor onze tocht naar El Calafate. Daar willen we … Continue reading

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Report 6 October

Report 6 October By Dirk Bajo Caracoles-La Siberia 317 km. We leave early from our hotel because we have to drive 140 miles to the first opportunity to weld the broken axle. After 14 miles we arrive at noon in … Continue reading

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Report 5 October

Report 5 October By Dirk Paso Roballos-Bajo Caracoles 101 km. After a good night at our camp near the farm we leave for the last 300 miles to El Calefate. We guess that we will be there in two days … Continue reading

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Report 4 October

Report 4 October By Dirk Cochrane-Paso Roballos 136 km. Today we want to cross the border from Chile to Argentina via Paso Roballos. The first 20 miles we follow the Carretera Austral before we go into the mountains to the … Continue reading

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Report 2 & 3 October

Report 2 and 3 October By Marjolein en Angela Villa O’Higgins – Villa O’Higgins – Cochrane After a good night rest we are going to inform wether it is possible to go to Argentina through the Mayer Pass at O’Higgins. … Continue reading

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Report 1 October

Report 1st October By Marjolein and Angela Cochrane – Villa O’Higgins Today we get up early at 06.00 because we have a long way to go and we don’t know what road we come across. Our hostess is still sleeping … Continue reading

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Report 30 September

Report 30 September By Angela  Puerto Murta – Cochrane At 08.00 o’clock we had breakfast at the lovely older couple where the stove was already burning. We said goodbye and took a picture with our hosts and Watson, because they … Continue reading

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Report 29 September

Report 29 September By Marjolein Coyhaique – Puerto Murta After shopping for our lunch we are on the road. The last paved 80km. Then until Villa O’Higgings it will be gravel. Angela rides with  Dirk in the Watson en I … Continue reading

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Report 28 September

By Angela La Junta – Puyuhuapi – Coyhaique After a day of relaxing we are facing an optimistic day. Dirk thinks we can make it today to Coyhaique which is 275 km. ahead. Our hosts Juan Carlos and Adrian took good … Continue reading

Posted in reisverslag, South Americ | 4 Comments

Report 27 September

By Angela La Junta – La Junta Today we have a day off. Nice to be in a warm house. We are planning to walk along Lago Rossato but soon we end up in the bush where the track stops. Then … Continue reading

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