Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Report 14 September

Report 14 september Report by Greetje and Steef. Let’s see, what happened today. 2 x an over floating carburettor. Dirk loses and damages his spectacles, Trudy hurts her nose, a few hours off road and a failing alternator. However we … Continue reading

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Report 13 September

Report 13 September Report Greetje and Steef. Rise at 7.00. Valves are o.k. and some bolds are checked. The breakfast is minimal so we take our own bread, coffee and tea. 9.45, we ride up road 27, yellow on the … Continue reading

Posted in news, South Americ | 1 Comment

On TV in Argentina

click this link to video

Posted in South Americ | 3 Comments

Report 12 September

Report 12 September Report by Greetje en Steef Day of departure from Córdoba. Guillermo comes to pick us up at 8.30 to bring us to his garage. There we have to pick up the cars for a few pictures at … Continue reading

Posted in Bolivia, South Americ | Leave a comment

Report 11 September

Report 11 September Report by Greetje en Steef. Just one more morning of work and Dirk can start up the Model T again. The engine sounds like new. Now, the car is completed and in the meantime, Trudy and Greetje … Continue reading

Posted in news, South Americ | 1 Comment

Report 10 September

Report  10 September Report by Greetje and Steef. Today we are trying to finish the work on the Model T. Dirk, Guillermo and Steef are getting busy with it. At noon a friend of Guillermo: Gerardo, comes roast big pieces … Continue reading

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Report 7, 8 & 9 September

Report 7, 8 & 9 September Edit by Greetje and Trudy 7 September Today we cannot work at the Model T. Peer, a club member, took us to the Sierra Chica’s, 50 miles from Cordoba. A beautiful trip and we … Continue reading

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Report 4, 5 & 6 September

Report 4, 5 & 6 September Edit by Greetje en Trudy 4 September Greetje and Steef made a walk in the neighborhood of our hotel. We had lunch together in the garage. In the afternoon we went to the old … Continue reading

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Report 3 september

Report 3 September Edit by Trudy Yesterday the plate of the oil pump has been weld.  Now he has to be freezes so we went to another workshop. Guillermo knows all the addresses. In the garage I saw that many … Continue reading

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Report 2 September

Report 2 September Edit by Trudy First we go to Rectidil with the camshaft and discus about what to do. After they heard to story of our travel and problems they make appointments. Back in the garage we had visitors. … Continue reading

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