Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Report 23 July

Report 23 July Report by Simon and Karin The next day we leave Ayacucho and are heading for Cusco, the cars were parked on the inner square of the hotel so it took some effort to get them to the … Continue reading

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Report 22 July

Report 22 July Report by Simon and Karin After a journey of 53 hours, by airplane from Amsterdam via Madrid and Lima to Cusco and from Cusco by night bus to Ayacucho, we, Karin and Simon, finally arrive at the … Continue reading

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Report 21 July

Report 21 July Report by Trudy. Today we have a day of rest in Ayacucho, waiting for our new crew Karin and Simon. They will arrive tomorrow by bus from Cusco.

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Report 20 July

Report 20th July Report by Trudy After breakfast we say good bye to Benno and Thecla. They go by bus from Ayacucho to Cusco, because we have not enough time to reach Cusco by car to get their flight to … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 3 Comments

Report 19th July

Report 19th July Report by Benno en Thecla This morning the whole surrounding is ped in fog. That’s why it wasn’t cold last night but wet. We slept at 12,000 ft. and it costs a lot of energy to do … Continue reading

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Report 18th July

Report of 18th July Report by Trudy This morning Monica made breakfast for us. It was very good and tasteful and so had Jessica free of making breakfast for our group. After breakfast Benno and Thecla went to the hospital … Continue reading

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Report 17 July

Report of 17th July Report by Benno en Thecla Yesterday in the evening we have visited two houses in the SOSVillage. That visit gave us a beautiful impression how everything is arranged inside the houses. Young and older children look … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 2 Comments

Report 16 July

Report of 16 July Report by Benno en Thecla In the morning we visit the social centre of the SOS children village.                                          The children of the poorest families from the region are cared for by washing early in the morning, … Continue reading

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Report 15 July

Report of 15 July Report by Benno en Thecla After another delicious breakfast we take a break and relax around the houses. In the afternoon we even get a hot shower after all the barrels are filled. The charming Monica … Continue reading

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Report 14 July

Report of Monday 14 July Report by Benno en Thecla It was a night from fighting against the cold, the effect of the coolness of the moon and the Siberian wind weren’t so good for a nice temperature. In the … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 2 Comments