Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

November 14Th

Report November 14Th. Edit by Dirk. Up to Memphis. During our trip today we see this special car. And than the great moment!!!!!  

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November 13th

Report; November 13th. Edit by Dirk. When we woke up, the sun was shining already. That means a beautiful day to drive. That is much better than the cold weather of yesterday. To Memphis are about 220 miles, and that … Continue reading

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November 12th

Report November 12th. Edit by Dirk. When I came to the Model T this morning, I saw a flat tire at the backside. The first thing I thought was; the best place on earth to have a flat tire with … Continue reading

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November 11th

Report November 11th. Edit by Dirk. Today we bring a visit to the Coker Tires Company in Chattanooga. Coker Tires is the number one supplier of tires for classic cars in the world. And they put our Model T on … Continue reading

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November 9th & 10th

Report November 9th & 10th. Edit by Trudy. Before we left this morning Dirk has to do some office work. After the Model T and the Land Rover were started, we went to the Mc Donald’s in Paris, were we … Continue reading

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November 8th

Report November 8th Edit by Trudy. Today we drove from Springfield to Paris. It was a beautiful trip. In the morning there was ice on the roof of the Land Rover. In Fayetteville we met Greg Houk who has a … Continue reading

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November 7th

Report November 7th. Edit by Trudy. In the morning we go back to Jack and Maryline Putnam’s house, because our Model T had spend the night in their garage between Jack’s beautiful Model T’s. Jack tells Dirk about the restoration … Continue reading

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November 6th

Report November 6th Edit by Dirk. Tonight we are invited at the monthly club meeting of the Model T Ford Club of Northwest Ohio in Bluffton. A lot of member visited this meeting to listen to presentation of Dirk about … Continue reading

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November 4th

Report Monday November 4th Edit by Dirk Today we have an invitation from the HenryFordMuseum in Detroit to visit the GreenfieldVillage to make pictures and video takes with our Model T. Along Highway 94 we go to the museum. We … Continue reading

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October 17 & 18th

Reports October 17 & 18. October 17th. Edit by Sjaak. Today we fly back to Holland. Jannie brings us to the airport of Detroit, where we say good bye. This is the last report made by Sjaak and Coby as … Continue reading

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