Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

October 15 & 16th

Report October 15 and 16th. Edit by Sjaak. Today we bring a visit to the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit. We visited the Greenfield Village with houses and buildings from the end of 1800 and the beginning of 1900. You … Continue reading

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October 13 & 14th

Report 13 & 14th  October Edit by Sjaak Today we heading up to Detroit, but first put Dirk the new tires from Coker Tires on the Model T. Because of the long trip to Detroit, about 500 miles, we decided … Continue reading

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October 12th

Report 12 October Edit by Sjaak We wake up after a good night in our wooden cabin and the sun is shining. Today there is an old timer show at Hershey where car owners can show their old timer. There … Continue reading

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October 11th

Report 11 October Edit by Coby and Sjaak. Next morning when we wake up we saw that it was a good decision to leave the tent last night. The river near the tent was still growing. The owner of the … Continue reading

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October 10th

Report 10 October Edit by Coby and Sjaak. Today we have an appointment at the stand of the Model T Ford Club of America. There we were warmly welcomed by enthusiast Model T people and the president of the MTFCA; … Continue reading

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October 9th

Report 09 October Edit by Coby and Sjaak. This day we go to the AACA Hershey meet. From the campsite there was a shuttle service with an original yellow school bus. We had an appointment to park the Model T … Continue reading

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October 8th

Report 08 October Edit by Coby. This morning the weather was very good and our neighbors at the campsite Fred en Phyllis  gave us a very nice cake with the text Happy Model T 25000 Miles. This was a tasteful … Continue reading

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October 7th

Report 07 October Edit by Coby. We are ready to leave the campsite for our trip to Hershey and a neighbor on the campsite warned us for a coming tornado on our route to Hershey. It was to risky for … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, reisverslag, United States | Leave a comment

Thursday July 18th

Today Trudy, Inge, Dirk-jan, Petra and Joris are going back to the Netherlands. Of course you start with packing all your stuff and memories in your suitcase. Trudy explains the kitchen boxes to Dirk. He has to do everything by … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, news, North America, reisverslag | 1 Comment

Wednesday July 17th

Today we take a trip to the ‘Indian Graves’. This is an area at the foot of the Rockies. A beautiful wooded area. Here we can see what the flood of a few weeks ago has caused. Parts of the … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, news, North America, reisverslag | Leave a comment