Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Day with an unexpected meeting in Cambridge.

Report 14 March By Trudy The care of the Model Tis more extensive today than in recent days. After the lubrication of all points and various controls now also the crosswise changing of the tires. This because of the wear … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Up to the south to Lake Taupo

Report March 13 By Trudy After a delicious breakfast at Jim and Kaaren Smylie we go to the clubhouse of the Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club for the “morning tea”. The Model T can now be admired. From Mr. … Continue reading

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From the kiwi to the Bay of Plenty

Report 12 March By Trudy Don shows us the kiwi orchard.  It is special to see how the kiwi’s grows Then Phoebe takes us to Te Puna Quarry park. Beautiful trees, plants, butterflies and art.   Steef find an old … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 1 Comment

Driving on Dirk’s favourite roads

Report March 11 By Trudy Our campsite is full of dinosaurs (fortunately not living). Our grandson Wouter loves dinosaurs so I send some pictures to him first. Our goal today is Te Puna, about 100 km to go. That’s why … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 2 Comments


Report 10 March By Steef The sun shines exuberantly when we prepare for departure. Dirk files the hole where the pedal of the first gear goes through a bit bigger because the metal rubs along the wood. From a building … Continue reading

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Follow the sun

Report 9 March By Steef There was a lot of rain again this night, but we can happily store the tent dry. The sea has become wilder and due to the bad weather forecasts we consult “MET service” to see … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Visitors at the campsite

Report 8 March By Steef We will stay at the campsite today because we are expecting a visit from Rodney Claugue and two friends. They drive into the campsite to our tent to admire the Model T. The press is … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | Leave a comment


Report 7 March By Steef The morning is cloudy and it is stuffy because of the humidity. We drive out of the city through the main street of Napier. We have seen very little of the Art-Deco image of the … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 1 Comment


Report 6 March By Steef Before we leave the campsite this morning, Lyn’s wife comes by to say goodbye. She served the last evening after the BBQ, especially for us in house a coffee / tea table with the most … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | Leave a comment

BBQ and music

Report March 5 By Steef After a repair of a broken belt we are already on our way at 9.15 am to be on time for an appointment in Pongeroa. The landscape is peaceful, hilly and winding and every turn … Continue reading

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