Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Day of rest

Report 27 January By Trudy We have slept very well in our gardenhotel and today we have a day of rest. Dirk is sitting in the shade and in the lee, reading a book. The sun is warm and the … Continue reading

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New Zealand here we are!!

Report 26 January By Trudy After a good flight of 9 hours we arrive at the airport of Christchurch. A flight of total 22 hours is one thing but to get into New Zealand is another adventure. Dogs will sniff … Continue reading

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Up to New Zealand

Report 25 January By Trudy After a good flight of 12 hours we land in Singapore. We are picked up by Maud, a friend of our daughter Rozemarijn, who lives in Singapore. It is very hot, 33 degrees Celcius and … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news | 1 Comment

Up to New Zealand

Report 24 January By Trudy Today we flye to New Zealand. A trip tot he other side of the globe. 21 hours in a plane to get to Christchurch. Always better than 7 weeks on a boat like the cars. … Continue reading

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Comming soon to New Zealand

Last Thursday morning, 30th of November, we loaded the Model T and the Landrover in the drizzly rain in the harbour of Amsterdam. The days before we have cleaned the cars thoroughly, otherwise they can not enter New Zealand. At … Continue reading

Posted in Europa, reisverslag | 3 Comments

Model T Worldtour on the road again

Posted in reisverslag | 1 Comment

Overhauling the engine

After the 50,000 miles of our Worldtour till now we have had a lot of trouble with the bearings of the crankshaft and connection rods. That’s why we decided to change the bearings in changeable caps. We drilled the Model … Continue reading

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coach work in progress


Posted in Argentina, Nederland, news, reisverslag | Leave a comment

New wheels for the Model T

video making new wheels

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Finishing the inside of the rear axle

video finishing inside rear axle

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