Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Ford Germany published a video of our Model T Worldtour

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Coachwork in progress

Working on the coachwork video woodwork

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Simon can’t wait

Posted in Europa, Nederland, news, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Boris & Sterre are our new friends

Today Boris & Sterre became our new Model T Worldtour friends.

Posted in Europa, news, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Merry Christmas and a constructive 2016

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Floris helping his grandpa with the woodwork

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Straighten the chassis

Today we have the curve chassis straightened on the straightening bench. It was rather curved especialy the front cross member of the chassis. Because of the accident the chassis was more than one inch out of square But finaly we … Continue reading

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Front axle in progress

The front axle is to bad to repair after the accident. That’s why we found a good old axle but we have to repair the holes and the threads of the king bolds. Here you see the axle in the … Continue reading

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restoration of the rear end

We started with the restoration of the wood work of the rear end of the Model T We also started with the assembling of the new Ruckstell rear axle

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The kick of of our sponsor campaign

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