Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

On TV in Uruguay

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Report 26 September

By Angela Santa Lucia – La Junta In the morning we say goodbye to our host in Santa Lucia. Santa Lucia is a quiet village with a few people in the street and happily not much dogs. The sky was … Continue reading

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Report 25 September

Report 24 September By Marjolein Quellón – Chaitén This morning we left with Don Baldon, an old ferry who sailed in Greece from 1995 to 2008. 4 o’clock in the morning we were already there and quarter past five we … Continue reading

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Report 24 September

Report 24 September By Angela We got up early, had breakfast, and we made  the rituals associated with the retirement of the SOS Children’s (given nuggets from Edam given). We go on the move to Quellón te catch the early … Continue reading

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Report 23 September

Report of 23 September By Angela We get up early, and the stove is already burning (thanks Marjolein). Our first real day of travel. For Marjolein and me it is exciting. We do not know exactly what lies ahead. Moreover, … Continue reading

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Report 22 September

Report of 22nd September Report by Angela In the morning Marjolein is always the first one up to make a fire in the wood stove. She actually does that all days we spend in Puerto Montt. Everything is dedicated to … Continue reading

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Report 21 September

Report of 21 September Report by Angela The first day in Spring time in Chili. Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. Waiting for the backpack, Arnaud, who still has not arrived and flies somewhere between Panama and Puerto Montt. Track & Trace … Continue reading

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Report 20 September

Report 20 September Report by Angela This morning we say goodbye to Team 4, Steef and Greetje and Trudy goes home for 3 weeks. At 08.00 they are picked up by Victor, the householder who brings them to the airport. … Continue reading

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Report 18 & 19 September

Report 18 & 19 September Report by Angela After a journey of almost 30 hours due to the strike by Air France, we (Marjolein and I) finally arrived in Puerto Montt, Chile. To our surprise, Trudy, Dirk, Steef and Greetje … Continue reading

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Report 15, 16 & 17 September

Report 15, 16 & 17 September. Report by Dirk We have 3 days to get to Puerto Montt. These 3 days we have to drive more than 700 miles and go via Las Lajas and Villa Augostura and arrive 17 … Continue reading

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