Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Report 13 July

Report Sunday 13 July Report by Benno en Thecla The full moon kept the cows on a distance this night, even the dogs. The morning sun sets everything in a friendly light, when we start again the road with the … Continue reading

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Report 12 July

Report of Saterday 12 July Report by Benno en Thecla The road of thousand bends After we spend the night in Huallanca under a thick packet of blankets we get early up in the awaking village to walk through the … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 2 Comments

Report 11 July

Report Friday 11 July Report by Benno en Thecla Trudy has her birthday today! After a nice breakfast we go on the road to see the Puya Raimondii. A kind of yucca, but than so extraterrestrial big. We go from … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 1 Comment

Report 10 July

Report of Thursday 10 July Report by Benno en Thecla After all the exertions of the rough roads and the height Dirk feels himself a little feverish, so he takes a day of rest. Together with Trudy he goes to … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 1 Comment

Report 9 July

Report 9 July Report by Benno en Thecla Today a relaxing day, but it isn’t day for laying backwards. Because the incoming part of the model T is just above the outcoming part, it gets to a astronomic heat. So … Continue reading

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Report 7 & 8 July

Report of 7 & 8 July Report by Benno and Thecla After breakfast we go first for a little morning stroll in the upper garden of the farmer. The garden can exist only by the grace of the irrigation canals … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 4 Comments

Report 6 July

Report of 6 July Report by Benno and Thecla Clouds of soot.. My first job to do wasn’t so superfluous, making the gasoline kitchen cooker on gasoline. When Trudy used this, you saw many times first black clouds of soot … Continue reading

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Report 5 July

Report of 5th July Report by Benno and Thecla After a very delicious breakfast we say goodbye and go in the direction of Trujillo. Suddenly appears, just when I am waiting, a humming bird on a half meter of my … Continue reading

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Report 3 and 4 July

Report of 3 and 4 July Report by Benno en Thecla Dirk thinks about controlling the new bearing cap to see how it looks after 1000 kilometres. What happens if two pigheaded mechanics have both their own different theory. My … Continue reading

Posted in news, Peru, South Americ | 2 Comments

Report 2 July

Report 2 July Report by Benno and Thecla At seven o’clock we awake, but already a bunch of policemen are there, even the director of the police. Thecla walks still in her underpants. Dirk lies in his roof tent, while … Continue reading

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