Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Going to Colombia

May 28th Report by Dirk   Today we leave to Cartagena. Our daughter Rozemarijn brings us to the airport and at 13.10 h. our plane depart to Panama City, our first stop.     After a flight of 10 hours … Continue reading

Posted in news, South Americ | 1 Comment

April 28th Shipping cars to Cartagena

Ready for shipping to Cartagena, Colombia. The last month Dirk prepared the Model T for our trip through South America. He changed the piston rings, made an extra air-filter on the carburetor and checked the whole car for this more … Continue reading

Posted in Europa, Nederland, news | 2 Comments

South-America kick-off 12th April 2014

Kick-off South-America tour  On Saturday 12th April 2014 we had a kick-off meeting for our 3th leg of our World tour; South-America. We were invited by Stijnus Schotte to have this kick-off in his beautiful museum “De Autostal”. Dirk … Continue reading

Posted in Europa, Nederland, news | 1 Comment

November 27th

Report of November 27th. Edit by Dirk. The End of the Model T Worldtour 2013 Today is the end of our travel adventure of this year through the USA and Canada. An adventure that started in Houston-TX. May 14th We … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, United States | 2 Comments

Report November the 23th. Edit by Dirk. Fare well Party in Houston Today is a special day. The Space City Model T Club in Houston has because of our coming back and fare well, organised a BBQ. Our hostess and … Continue reading

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November 21&22 November

Report November 21th & 22th November. Edit by Trudy. November 21th. We say good bye to Ben and Nancy. It was nice to be back  in Bryan and to meet our friends again. We continue our tour to Houston to … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, United States | 3 Comments

November 20th

Report November 20th. Edit by Trudy. We bring a visit to the shop of Texas T-Parts to pick up some parts for Dirk. There is also a beautiful Model TT as a break down lorry. We leave to visit Jennifer … Continue reading

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November 19th

Report November 19th. Edit by Trudy. On the way to Bryan, we met some guys making a holiday trip on their Harley’s. Dirk talked with one of them about their and our tour. We have a beautiful tour through Texas … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, United States | 1 Comment

November 16,17&18 November.

Report November 16, 17 & 18th. Edit by Trudy. November 16th. After a fantastic visit to Graceland, we continue our tour. Via the Highway we cross the bridge over the Mississippi and enter Arkansas. The tour leads us along cotton … Continue reading

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November 15th

Report November 15th. Edit by Trudy. Today we go to visit Graceland! First we have a real Elvis breakfast. Trudy in front of Graceland, that’s worth a picture of course. Trudy cannot wait to go inside; se is from here … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, United States | 1 Comment