Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Tuesday July 16th

Today is the day of the barbecue at the Model T club in Calgary. In the morning Inge, Dirk-jan, Petra and Joris are going to explore Calgary. They buy a new charger for the laptop there. Dirk and Trudy depart … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, news, North America, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Monday July 15th

Today we have a relaxing day. The Bak family has 2 young kittens. Some of the time they are sleeping but mostly they are very busy chasing each other. Joris and Petra like the kittens so much they want to … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, news, North America, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Sunday July 14th

Breakfast day! Joan invited us to an unlimited pancake breakfast. Oddfellows, the organisation where Joan is part of, is 100 years. Yesterday there was a big party and today there is a big breakfast. Joan already left home at 7.30 … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, news, North America, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Saturday July 13th

This night it was very cold again, however we were prepared this time with enough blandkets and had a very nice sleep. There is a nice cloud above the mountains of the Glacier National Park. During our drive we need … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, news, North America, reisverslag | Leave a comment

Friday July 12th

Dirk is working in his office this morning. He ordered 4 new tires for the Model T. After that he prepares the Model T for the trip of today. The rest of us Skypes with Holland. At 12.15 we leave … Continue reading

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Thursday July 11th

Today is Trudy’s birthday, she is now 61 years old. Petra took decoration from the Netherlands, Petra heeft vanuit Nederland slingers meegenomen, we decorate the shelter for Trudy. We had birthday mail over to Trudy which we got from several … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, reisverslag, United States | 3 Comments

Wednesday July 10th

Dirk  puts the license plate of Utah he found yesterday on the Land Rover. He was still missing that one. He has a nice collection by now. Dirk-jan wants to take his Route 66 plate to home from Calgary, but … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, reisverslag, United States | Leave a comment

Tuesday July 9th

Today we leave at Allen and Kat. Before we leave, we take a group picture with Allen’s oldtimers in it. We stop in Victor to get gas. There we met Hondo Miller. He saw the Model T earlier, but wasn’t … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, reisverslag, United States | Leave a comment

Friday July 8th

This morning we had to hand in the Harleys again, a really sad moment… We had to be at the rental before noon, and we arrived ad 11.57 a.m.; perfect timing! Allen is waiting for us at the rental and … Continue reading

Posted in news, North America, reisverslag, United States | Leave a comment

December 1th – day 163

             Dear friends, we are back in Holland.   At 10.30 PM we arrive at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam I am afraid we have to look for our wintercoats At home in Edam Thanks to all the visitors of our … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, news, reisverslag, South Africa, Uncategorized | 5 Comments