Author Archives: DirkJan

About DirkJan

Badmeester in Tibet

Goodbye Richard and Rona.

Report March 4 By Steef The house of Richard and Rona lies along a steep road in Wellington. For their three children Efa, Sean and Joe there is enough space to play with a large playroom downstairs, two garages and … Continue reading

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Farewell Kyra and Jim

Report March 3 By Steef After saying goodbye to Kyra and Jim, we leave Richmond at 9 o’clock and via Nelson we take the road to Picton where the Ferry to the North Island awaits us. The first part at … Continue reading

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Two memorable days

Report 1 and 2 March By Steef During two days and three nights we enjoy the warm welcome and hospitality of Kyra and Jim Wareing. We sleep in comfortable beds and eat the most delicious dishes. Jim helps Dirk repairing … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 2 Comments

A warm welcome

Report February 28 By Steef Half past eight, it’s still raining a bit. And a small blue / gray bird is scurrying around our feet. There is a beautiful trip through a lush landscape. As always, we choose the yellow … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 2 Comments

Trucks on the road

Report 27 February By Steef The roof tent is a comfortable space to sleep in. The weather is reasonable when we get up for breakfast. In the distance is a white Bedford and smoke comes from the chimney. Curiously we … Continue reading

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Up to the next camp

Report26 February By Steef That was another wet night. Fortunately, the kitchen of this camp is well provided, we eat inside. After a visit from a journalist from the local newspaper, we are on our way again. The rivers are … Continue reading

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Tour ride

Report 25 February By Steef Around half past nine we are expected to be at a meeting point near our campsite. A tour ride has been organized. We meet a number of old acquaintances. Including Kathryn from Christchurch, she rides … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 1 Comment


Report 24 February By Steef On this beautiful morning we go to Ashburton on the way, where we have an appointment with Chris Dyer who we have already met in Christchurch. He organized another tour in the morning of 25 … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 1 Comment


Report 23 February By Steef Before we continue this morning to Mount Cook, we first want to see the famous Moeraki Bolders, which are located further on the beach. They owe their fame to the fact that they are almost … Continue reading

Posted in New Zealand, news, reisverslag | 3 Comments

Wild boar

Report 22 February By Steef This morning Brian and Marian bring us to the: Wolly Goat, a cafe outside of Dunedin to help us on our way. After the coffee and the pastries, we say goodbye. Dirk puts the fan back … Continue reading

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